Tommy Kha Portrait Essay Project

Tommy Kha is a photographer who is from Memphis, Tennessee. He studied photography at Memphis College of Art. Tommy Kha is now living and working in New York City. Tommy Kha’s photography revolves around self-portraits. Kha’s work has been in many exhibitions. Some of his more recent exhibitions include Kunstverein Wolfsburg, Wolfsburg Germany; Dorsky Museum, New Paltz, NY; Atlantic Contemporary Arts Center, Atlanta, Georgia; and Aperture Gallery and Signal Gallery in New York, NY. Some of his recent photos include a series of strangers kissing him to change the expression on his face. In all of these photos random strangers kiss him on the lips, but in these photos he only has a blank, stoic expression.

In image one I like the way that Tommy Kha used color to create contrast. The blue and white background makes his bright red shirt stand out.  In photo two I like Khan’s use of light, and diagonals. Bright light is being directed on his face making it be the first thing I noticed. When looking at his face you notice he is staring intently at something, so that draws you to look at the cup on the table. The salt or sugar in the picture is diagonal to the cup so it draws your eye in its direction. The light is casting a nice shadow behind the cup. Picture three is part of his kissing series. This series intrigued me because he told complete stranger to kiss him however they wanted, but the only rule was that it had to be on the lips. I like this series of pictures because I find it interesting that throughout all of these pictures he could keep a straight face and bored expression.

My project will be inspired by Tommy Kha’s use of color, shadows, light, and diagonals. I may take photos of people wearing contrasting colors like he did with the blue room and red shirt. I also want to make light draw you to the subject of the photo. My pictures  may revolve around the idea of a stoic expression in a busy environment. I most likely will not do self-portraits, but I will try and take photos of different people trying to keep a straight, bored expression while engaging in several different activities.

Picture websites:

Tommy Kha

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